Monday, November 1, 2010

Game On!

Well earlier tonight we got moved out of Advanced Base Camp (special maternity area) to the Hillary Step (labor-delivery area) as I call it to continue the Everest references.   To most people this where the summit takes place, but in our case it is the "on deck circle" since she'll be moved to an operating room for the actually delivery in case of immediate c-section.

As much as I complained about the comforts, or lack thereof, of our last room, I miss it already.  This one has a smaller, less comfortable bed for her, no refrigerator, and no longer even an imposter bed for me - just a club chair that supposedly reclines.  I keep fooling around with it thinking that it will recline more, but all it does is come apart in places leaving major crevasses and uneven cushions (if I can really call them that since they're certainly not "cushiony").  Not sure how I'm going to sleep on this thing, but hopefully we'll only be here one night.

Ironically this clip from America's Funniest Home Video's came on the TV just as we got in here (link)...Other than passing out during delivery, this embodies my biggest fear with fatherhood, or should I say the thing I look least forward to - and for us it is x2 with twins coming!

Not that I'm thinking going into it that there is a strong chance of me passing out - although I do have a weak stomach for needles and definitely any blood.  But that was one of the main things I was looking to gain out of the birthing class, just enough knowledge/warning to keep from passing out when the first one is born...or at least enough so that if I did pass out, I could wake up in time and make it through the second child being born.  So much more from that classes to expound upon, but for another time.

We'll do our best to keep everyone updated tomorrow, but doubt I'll get around to any blog posting...But perhaps, as tonight I'm going to sleep with dreams for tomorrow night of sitting back in a post-delivery room enjoying the sunset from our sky-line view while administering a baby his/her bottle as I administer to myself a celebratory bottle of something else.  Should this pipe-dream actually come to fruition, it truly will be my quintessential happy in one arm, beer in another, and jogging the days thoughts on the iPad in my lap. 

But enough about me, tomorrow's all about what's best for the babies and babies' Momma...Catherine has been incredible thus far (and I don't just mean over the last two weeks while here), and I have no doubt will be even more remarkable tomorrow as she brings these two highly-anticipated, tirelessly-pursued treasures into the world.  Much sincere thanks to all for your prayers and support in the past, present, and future.  While at times over the past three-four years we seriously doubted if this day would ever come, well here it is, and we really couldn't have gotten to this point without the love and support of so many around us.

Baby A and Baby B look forward to meeting all of you, and also ready for the world to come to know them by their proper names!

Coach, cheerleader, publicist, and Sherpa-



  1. Go Catherine GO!!! We are anxiously anticipating the news!! In just a few short hours you'll be twice blessed!! I know you'll do great! Love, joy and blessings! Heather & Reed

  2. thinking about you guys today. good luck! can't wait to meet your two little gems : )
