Back to playing the waiting game, this time not on babies but rather Catherine's blood pressure to go down enough for them to let us leave. They don't really seem worried, but because of that, which in some ways makes matters worse, each night they come in and tell us "maybe tomorrow" - or even sometimes "probably tomorrow". Despite our contention that getting her back in her own home, amongst the lovely "nest" she designed, and laying in her own bed would be the best relaxer, they still want to keep her here 'til it lowers to a range of "comfortability"...And yes, I've asked if I couldn't just measure it at home and report it three or four times a day like it seems that's all they're still doing here. (Other than watching and feeding the twins whenever we ask, which I'm already starting to really appreciate so I don't want to sound too negative about being here). Yes, I will say that having the nursery there to drop off them off to on occassion or, sometimes even more convenient, call and have them come pick the twins up is quite a luxury we are quickly learning to take full advantage of (particuarly the middle-of-the-night- feedings).
Logan and Cate are great though...Their existence pretty much consists of eating, sleeping, and pooping - sometimes all three simultaneously. I know, you say how could they do all three at the same time, particularly sleeping and eating? But literally each one is known to fall asleep in mid-stride while taking down a bottle...then we have to jostle them in various ways (blow on them, tickle them, take off more of their clothes, etc) to wake them up to continue - which is also remarkable how they will come out of a deep sleep and go right back into full gurgling rhythm.
So we don't load this blog up full of pictures (and to let you take a better look at them, since plenty have been asking), here is a link to a ShutterFly share site we created to see more pictures and occasional videos...
Over and out for now, hopefully the next post will come from back at base camp (aka center court, aka our house).
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