Sunday, October 31, 2010

Come Monday...

(Quick update to this post: induction scheduled for tomorrow!)

Well this might happen sooner rather than later now, Nov. 1st as the induction/delivery date is now on the table and probably the leading contender. In addition to her various levels being elevated, Catherine's uncomfortableness is at an all-time high and patience with being here any longer at an all-time low (mine too). So where I researched the significance of Nov. 3rd, 4th and 5th, I now had Nov. 1st to look up...Above the trivial findings below, it turns out that Nov. 1st is All Saint's Day which carries some good meaning. I had always known of All Saints Day, but couldn't have told you where it fell on the calendar.

As for other significant events or people that share the same birthdays, here are the notable ones:

1604, 1608, & 1611 - Shakespeare apparently liked to debut plays on the first of November as Othello, The Tempest, and MacBeth all opened this day at the Globe Theater in London.

1938 - Thoroughbred race horse Seabiscuit's legendary defeat of War Admiral in the horse race billed as the "match of the century".

1941 - One of Ansel Adams' most iconic photos of the moonrise over a little Mexican village called Hernandez (click here to view it).

1968 - The Motion Picture Association of American institutes the rating system originally starting with G, M, R and X.

1982 - Honda becomes the first Asian auto-manufacturer to build it's car in the US with the Accord being built at a plant on Ohio.

Nov. 1st Birthdays: Gary Player, Larry Flynt, Lyle Lovett, Rick Allen (the one-armed drummer from Def Leopard), Jenny McCarthy. (I'd say there definitely plenty of room for a couple more on this lackluster list.)

When they first mentioned Nov 1st as a possible delivery date we couldn't help but think ahead to how that will play out with the kids having their birthday the day after Halloween. Initially we weren't too keen on the idea with the thinking that we didn't want their birthdays to always be overshadowed or dominated by Halloween.  Having all of us geared up for Halloween one day only to get ramped up again the next day for their birthday seems exhaustive (for them and us)...or, as I characterized it, it would be tough because we'd, yes me included, would be coming off of such a sugar crash from all the candy we just scored. I know how these thoughts might sound rather shallow and over-obsessive, but when you've been sitting around in the same hospital room all day for the last two weeks this is where our minds wanders to.

However, I will say that the notion of it turning their birthday at midnight on Halloween is a scary thought for down the road (i.e. College Frat parties or Widespread Panic concerts - yes, they'll probably still be playing then, maybe I'll go with them). I know, I'm sounding like a dad already - I can't believe it either, the notion of having my birthday at the stroke of midnight on Halloween would otherwise sound really cool.

Eventually we came to the realization that whether it is Nov 1st or 4th the birthdays will always be close and most likely connected to Halloween. So why not embrace it? Halloween has always been one of our favorite holidays, Catherine loves the 'treat' of going all out with costumes and I live the 'trick' side of scaring the bejesus out of people. So why not (especially with having twins) always be the ones to throw a big Halloween mega-monster birthday bash?!? To help convince us even more, the Modern Family episode that came on during all this deliberation depicts the same topic as the parents played pranks on their kids and created a haunted house for neighborhood kids to walk through when they came for their candy.

On a less practical but more philosophical note, with the fact that none of this really went according to plan from the moment we decided to have a family, it would be nice to have some say in when it actually happens. But on top of the realization that we'll have to embrace Halloween either way, it later occurred to us that ever since we first found out we were having twins, and definitely since we got checked into the hospital, getting to November (36 weeks) alone was always considered a blessing - regardless if it was the first of the month or not. After all, remember, I had always put the over/under on the birthdate at Halloween with a majority of people taking the under side of the bet, so to make the over (again regardless by how much), is an accomplishment in itself.

So with excitement, trepidation, and anticipation, we're preparing ourselves for 'game day' tomorrow...on my end this entails getting various necessities from the house, making a "delivery" playlist on iTunes, and reminding the nurses about our request for a sky-line view room. On her end, it's just a matter of getting in the right mindset, especially since right now the game plan is to delivery them normally with the option to call an audible at the line of scrimmage to a c-section if needed.

We'll try to keep everyone updated as things transpire over the next 24 hours, thanks for all well wishes and kind thoughts...perhaps by this time tomorrow our "mixed doubles match" will be underway!

One last family photo while it's just the two of us...

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