Monday, November 1, 2010

Stubborn Little Rugrats Already

Woke up this morning with full intentions of having these babies naturally (and by that I mean with meds but not by c-section), but after 12 hours of labor with little progress it's looking like c-section is going to be the course of action...Even more to her credit, she decided to stay the course after hearing the woman in the next room screaming at the top of her lungs in the middle of the night as she went through labor without medication (which would have been plenty of reason for me to call an audible, but I would have already been lined up in the c-section formation so to speak).

After 12 hours of labor, two epidurals, one water broken, numerous and frequent contractions, and them being right at the doorstep, the babies still just don't have enough room to come through the door. So we're giving it another hour or so before we hit the crossroads of c-section decision.

The good news (not that any of it is bad really) is that the babies have done really well all day and momma has been a real trooper despite dealing with all the complications, frustrations and cords and cables hooked up to her. It's just a little disappointing, but we always knew this was a possibility, or I'd even say probability. Catherine (and I) wanted to give it the best shot to do it normally first - which she really has done. After all, and this is what we kept reminding ourselves of when she got admitted a few weeks ago, it's not like they were going to come easy, given what it took to get them here. But either way, the end results should be the same - two healthy babies and mother.

So please send good thoughts as the next 3-4 hours will be rather important and at the same time rather in touch soon, perhaps w/ photos!


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