Thursday, October 28, 2010

No News is Good News...For Now

Today marks Catherine's two week anniversary of being here (pardon us for no hoopla surrounding it - more bitter than sweet) and until recently there still was no end in sight.  However, once Monday comes we'll be at the 36 week threshold and her doctor told her today to start thinking about which day next week she'd prefer for it to happen.  So that not only gives us something to occupy our thoughts for the next few days, but also a little peace of mind that something is finally going to happen - especially for someone like Catherine who likes to precisely plan her way through life and always follow a course of action.  As for me, I kind of like the spontaneity of it all.  With us already knowing the sex of each, it would be fun to keep the element of surpise as to when they'll come.  But as I've come to learn through all of this (and will continue to practice heavily going forward) just go along with whatever makes Momma happy.  

But we are both ready to get the show on the road...With each doctor visit we try to coerce them into setting a delivery date.  Much like I imagine the twins will do to us someday, we try to play one doctor off another...for example, when the high-risk neonatal doctors say they will defer to our OB/GYN as to when to induce, we'll turn around and tell the OB/GYN that "our high-risk doctor said it is OK to go ahead and deliver if it's OK with you"...and vice-versa.  Hasn't really worked, but I do think they get the not-so-subtle hint that we are ready to get on with this thing.

While Catherine focuses on laboring and delivering two babies, my big focus will shift to working the nurses on how to book one of the rooms with a sky-line view in the post-delivery area...I mean, the fact that we've already been here two weeks and we're having two kids should count for something when it comes to a little VIP treatment, right?  Not to mention the fact that because it is twins we don't get to deliver in a normal delivery room with TV and stereo, we have to remain in a sterile operating room since the possibility of a c-section always looms.

Between her boredom at the hospital and my inability to focus on much else at work, we have done some digging on any significant “On this day” type stuff among Nov. 1st, 3rd, 4th, or 5th.  A majority of stuff that came back was presidential elections, but a few random historical events we found were:  Discovery of King Tut’s Tomb, Susan B. Anthony votes for the first time, the establishment of the National Security Administration, and the Iran hostage crisis.  And then some of the celebrity birthdays they might share are:   

Nov. 3rd:  Rosanne Barr, Tyler Hansbrough, and Elizabeth Smart
Nov. 4th:  Ralph Macchio (Karate Kid), Sean “Puff Daddy” Combs, and Matthew McConaughey
Nov. 5th:  Roy Rogers, Art Garfunkel, Bryan Adams, Tatum O’Neal, Johnny Damon
Jerry Stackhouse, Kevin Jonas, and Ryan Adams - how weird, both Bryan Adams and Ryan Adams have the same birthday!

I’ve give you a hint as to which date I prefer - the one without a Tarhole basketball alum birthday, but for other reasons too. 

Ok, signing off for now…look forward to seeing you sooner or later


  1. so glad to hear an end might be in sight! can't wait to meet these precious babies!!!! and trey- you just might be paying for two TARHEELS one day!!!

  2. I like Lindsay's comment about my little niece and nephew being Tarheels! Keep on keeping on, you two...Trey you are a great writer. I love reading your blogs.

  3. Yes, I am very conflicted with how to broach the Carolina connection with the twins. While I certainly don't want them to root for UNC, I also don't want them to both attend, and us pay for, Wake Forest. So it's going to be a delicate balance as how much impress pulling for Wake on them...and how do I subtly tell them that they better practice or study really hard in order to go to Wake (i.e. scholarship).
