Friday, October 15, 2010

Latest Report...

All's well at the Walters' camp, which still remains at just the two of us btw - want to get that out of the way first.  Catherine stayed over at the hospital last night and probably will tonight (best case scenario) since some tests take a full 24 hours.  I stayed at base camp (our house) last night and will tonight so I can be rested up for a big, last work weekend at the track.  She's staying the in the specialty maternity area (a.k.a. the 'Hilary Step' as I'm calling it) in Room 868 if anyone wants to stop by.  Once I get through this weekend I'll be ascending to full-time Sherpa duties. 

For those not aware of how this all went down, we went in for a regular visit to our OB/GYN yesterday (which, to keep the Everest analogy going, I'm calling the Khumbu Ice Fall or Lhotse Face) and due to various pre-term labor symptoms indicative of preeclampsia her doctor admitted her to the hospital immediately for round the clock monitoring. It caught us a little off-guard initially because it was basically, do not pass go, do not collect $200, go straight to the virtual holding tank for very-expectant mothers.  All looks good though, both babies (and mother) are very healthy and should they have to deliver them they should be fine...but they obviously want to keep them in there as long as possible, and are taking whatever measures to do so - which could mean up to a two week stay here depending on how tests look. 

We should know more timing and outlook by around 5pm we'll try to keep everyone posted.

Signing off from base camp for now…

Sherpa Trey


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